Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Psalm 147:11
The Lord delights in those who fear him
and expect him to care for them.

 ---- Mine, it delights the Father and Me when you approach us with awe and trembling for it means that you understand that you are aware of who God is. It is only when you truly comprehend as far as your mind can, the incomprehensible, you are filled with gratitude that the great I AM is constantly stooping over you with all the love and tenderness of both father and mother. This knowledge permits you to look to Me for all your needs with the confidence of a child and prompts you to all feel a great and holy fear of displeasing the God of love who did not hesitate to send Me into the word to lay down My life for you. The Father will draw to Himself all those who believe in Me making us one through the Holy Spirit in just the same way as the Father and I are one. 

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