Saturday, July 9, 2016


Luke 6:46
Why do you call me: Lord! Lord! and not do what I say?
---- Mine, all your good works are like dirty rags before Me if you do not listen to My words and do as I say. You are like the son who said yes to his father when he asked him to go to the vineyard but he did not go. What good does it do anyone to hear all I have to say but does nothing I ask or as My word commands? It is better that you are honest rather than listen intently to all I say but follow the dictates of the flesh. It is hypocrisy when you make not the slightest struggle or exercise discipline over your senses. It is not enough to listen it is far more important to obey; if you do not heed my warning you will fall like a house without a foundation and what a great fall that will be. Pay attention ---- My own, pay attention to what I say to you this day.

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