SIRACH 43:26-30
Because of him each of his messengers succeeds,
and by his word all things hold together.
We could say more but could never say enough;
let the final word be: ‘He is the all.’
Where can we find the strength to praise him?
For he is greater than all his works.
Awesome is the Lord and very great,
and marvellous is his power.
Glorify the Lord and exalt him as much as you can,
for he surpasses even that.
When you exalt him, summon all your strength,
and do not grow weary, for you cannot praise him enough.
---- mine,
Take a moment to reflect on what you have just read and draw strength and courage from the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who lives in you, breathes in you, and animates you. The Holy Spirit, the Life-giver, is the power of the Eternal Word of the Father in whom and through whom all things were made. The Eternal Word of the Father, in and through the Holy Spirit who is the love of God, issues forth from the Father and accomplishes all things in perfect accord with His will. You are part of God's creation - you are the work of the Creator, called forth into being by Him through the Eternal Word - He breathed and you were formed and His Breathe makes His home in you. Today and every day resolve to give God the glory, praise, honor, adoration, and love that is due to Him alone. Exalt the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your strength, and all your might. Do not grow tired of praising Him for all your praise all through your life can never do God justice. Ask the Holy Spirit and He will give you all the graces necessary to praise God in all circumstances for all things work for the good of those who love Him. God dwells in your praises so praise the God of all goodness, beauty, and truth who has descended on you and will remain with you forever.