Wednesday, April 24, 2024

ISAIAH 46:3-4 (2024)

ISAIAH 46:3-4

....... I have cared for since you were conceived,
and carried since you were born.
Even to your old age, I am he
and I will sustain you even when your hair turns gray.
It is I who have done this, and who bear the burdens,
I will sustain and save you.

---- mine,

Why do you worry? Why do you rob yourself of the joy and peace that belongs to the children of God, to those who have been redeemed by Me and are grafted to My Body? Why do you live as if you had no Father, Brother, Helper, Redeeer, Savior, Brother, and Spouse? O you of little faith why do you live as if you were a beggar when you are co-heir with Me to the Kingdom of God and heir to all the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven? ---- my own, lift up your head look at Me, and know how great is the Father's love for you that He has numbered you and all those you love among His children. Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. Believe, I urge you, and live as one who is redeemed and set free, you are no longer a slave. A slave does know what the master is doing; you do for you are my friend, my sister, my delight, and I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father because you are Mine.

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