Monday, March 5, 2018


Maccabees 2:1, 3, 5 
Job 42:9B

May God fill you with every good.
May he give you a heart to worship him and to fulfill his will with generosity and a well disposed spirit.
May he hear your prayers and be reconciled with you, and not abandon you in time of misfortune.

Yahweh accepted Job's intercession.

---- Mine,

Open your mouth and I will fill it with words of wisdom, peace, joy, and blessings. When you call I will hear and answer you. Every prayer you pray will be heard by Me. I will bless all those you ask Me to bless, I will protect you and guard you as the apple of My eye. Do not let your heart be troubled or anxious about anything but with prayers and intercessions bring all your needs to Me as well as the needs of the world and I will give heed and I will answer. Do not be troubled or anxious about anything for I the Lord walk with you I am with you all your days, and I will come for you  when your journey ends to lead you to My Fathers house where you will be one with Me eternally.

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