Friday, March 9, 2018


Mark 10:33-34

“You see we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be given over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death, and hand him over to the foreigners, who will make fun of him, spit on him, scourge him, and kill him; but three days later he will rise.”

---- Mine,

Do you understand what I am saying to you today. Listen pay attention, I am the Son of God who descended from heaven to become the Son of Man. Unless I entered into your humanity, clothed in flesh, subject to all that the human condition experiences of poverty, rejection, and above all death which is the result of sin; the chasm between you and My Father, between You and God, was impossible for God to bridge. The Father longed to be reconciled with His children, He abhorred the distance between Himself and the creatures He loved and for whom He had planned such a wonderful future. How could I refuse My Father what He longed for and so I said yes, I will leave My Fathers house and go faraway from Him into a distant country. I will become like them in all things save sin. Yes, I will take upon Myself the punishment that is theirs and pay the price of sin that caused eternal death and separation from God.

I knew from the first what I would have to suffer; I knew that the separation from My Father would lead Me to become sin, that hideous putrefying thing that is so abhorrent to Me.  Worse than the condemnation, the rejection, the betrayals and denials of friends, the torture, the pain, the horror, the mocking the jeering the spittle the scourging, that laceration of My Flesh,the slaughtering of My Body and the nailing to the tree of life  until all My blood drained out; horrific as it all was, it was not as horrific as taking upon myself every sin that men and women ever committed from the day of the disobedience of their first parents at the dawn of creation, until the last that will ever live. But it was worth the price for after My death and burial in the tomb I did rise on the third day, I did return in triumph to My Father's house, I did accomplish all that the I set out to do in obedience to My Father. Now you too will be where I AM in My Father's House. Live a life of grace and I Myself will come and lead you, so someday where I AM you too will be.

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