Friday, November 10, 2023

MARK 2:14 (2023)

MARK 2:14

As Jesus was walking along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him. 

---- mine,

Every human soul receives this invitation, 'Follow me.' What has been your response to My call thus far? How closely and faithfully have you followed Me since you first said 'yes' to My invitation to be My disciple? Through the years when you had to face testing times, you have come running to Me, falling on your knees you have clung to Me and pleaded for relief, comfort, courage, and strength and you have received all you asked for and more. However, when the time of trial passed you reverted to your old, sinful ways of indifference, and spiritual lethargy. Is this time any different? How fervent is your love for Me? How sincere is your desire to follow Me even when you have no way of knowing whether or not I will hear and answer your prayers for healing in every area of your life and the lives of those you love and pray for fervently each day? Is your love for Me like the dew on the grass that vanishes in the sunlight? Follow Me with all the fervor of your being for as long as length of days are granted to you and I assure you that no matter how heavy the burdens that I lay on your shoulders if you remain steadfast in faith and love, you will always find Me yoked with you every step of the way from here to eternity

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