Saturday, November 12, 2016


Psalm 48:8-9
For no ransom avails for one's life
there is no price one can give to God for it.
For redeeming one's life
demands too high a price.

---- Mine, every soul created by God has infinite value and once that soul dies because of the gravity of sins committed it cannot be redeemed  by by the blood of bulls, sheep, lamb, and goats. It is damned eternally. There was only one way to save souls from eternal death. Innocent human blood from One without fault or blemish and God, My Father, did not hesitate in asking me to pay the price with My Blood, the Blood of the only Son of the ever living God. I was to be conceived in the womb of My virgin Mother, I was to be hidden in her womb for 9 long months and I was to experience the human condition especially that of poverty which so many in the world experience. The cruelty of rejection, persecution, hatred, anger, denial and betrayal. I had to drink to its dregs the human condition before I was nailed to the Cross in the most humiliating of all punishments reserved only for the worst criminals. I was condemned to death by crucifixion. Thus was your life was redeemed and the ransom paid this is why you must never doubt for a moment how much the God of love loves you.

Psalm 50:15
Call on me in time of calamity;
I will deliver you, and you will glorify me.

---- Mine, every time you call Me I will answer you. In all the difficulties that you must face in life, if You speak My Name, the Name of the One who saves, I will be beside You and I will set you free. You in turn, by the way you live your life, will glorify Me and give witness to Me and My love.

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