Saturday, May 11, 2024

ESTHER 15:9, 11-12, 5:3 (2024)

ESTHER 15:9, 11-12, 5:3

“What is it, Esther?” he said. “I am your brother. Take heart
Come, speak to me.”
He raised the golden scepter, touched her neck with it, then embraced her saying, “Speak to me.”
The king asked, “What is it, queen Esther? Tell me what you wish. Even if it is half of my kingdom, I will give it to you.”

---- mine,

You are beloved of My soul just as I AM the beloved of yours. Take heart. Do not be discouraged but have faith that in My time, in My Way, and in accordance with My will, you will receive all that you ask for in prayer for those you pray for with sighs and tears too deep for words. Tell Me everything, I AM here. I AM waiting for you to speak and confide all to Me. I want to comfort you and assure you that in the end, ---- my own, all will be well. Have faith and pray with confidence and while you wait for an answer to your prayers continue to pray. Ask boldly for all you need and I will give it to you. Do not allow yourself to grow sad, worried, anxious, and fearful - when the time is right every prayer will be answered and I will grant all that you have asked for and more. AND WHILE YOU WAIT - PRAY.

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