Monday, May 27, 2024

MATTHEW 15:28 (2024)


Then Jesus answered her, ‘Woman, great is your faith! 
Let it be done for you as you wish.’ 
And her daughter was healed instantly.

---- mine,

Every miracle is performed to help you believe, increase your faith, and teach you to hope in the goodness of God and to trust in My power. If your prayer is not answered immediately, it is not because I have not heard you but because I desire to teach you to persevere in prayer. Do not lose sight of this truth, all things work for the good of those who love Me - not some things - but all things. I do not allow trials to punish but to correct you and to bring about a greater good. Learn from the Syrophoenician woman, she persisted in faith, she believed, and her faith was rewarded. Her daughter was healed immediately. Take heart, continue to pray,  ---- my own, pray with confidence and hope, and do not worry. Worry does nothing for you but creates a climate of negativity, rather focus on the Father's love for you and for those you pray for, and in the end all will be well and My Name will be glorified.

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