Wednesday, May 1, 2024

SIRACH 34:16-17 (2024)

SIRACH 34:16-17

The eyes of the Lord are on those
who love him. For them he is powerful
protection, strong support; 
shelter against scorching wind and the midday sun. 
He is a safeguard against stumbling 
and assurance against a fall.
He lifts up the soul
and gives a sparkle to the eyes; he gives
healing, life and blessing.

---- mine,

Morning after morning when you come to Me and spend the first hours of your day with Me I assure you that I AM with you and will never take My hand of protection from you or your loved ones. Today, once again, I renew all My assurances - take heart, ---- my own, for My Word is true, all that I have promised you I will accomplish. Anyone who loves Me will have God as their Father, Brother, Helper. No matter what the cross is that is laid on you I will help you carry it - for I AM yoked to you. I AM God is anything too difficult for Me! BE NOT AFRAID but walk with your head upright in the sure and certain knowledge that YOU ARE MINE.

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