Friday, May 24, 2024

PSALM 22:25, 27-28, 30-32 (2024)



 25 For he has not scorned or loathed the afflicted in his misery.He has not hidden his face from me, but has listened when I cried to him.” 

27 The lowly will eat and be satisfied. Those who seek Yahweh will praise him. May your hearts live forever!

28 The whole earth will acknowledge and turn to Yahweh; the families of nations will worship him. 

30 Before him, all those who rest in the earth will bow down, all who go down to the dust. My soul will live for him.




---- mine,


Once again and for as often as you need Me to, and as long as you plead with a broken and grieving heart, I will answer you. I will never hide My Face from you.

I feed you with My Flesh and I quench your thirst with My Blood and your soul is satisfied for My Life is in you. Pray always that soon every nation will worship Me in spirit and truth on Mount Zion the place of the New Jerusalem, the Church I founded on Peter. 

I have taken all your loved ones who have gone before you, to My Father’s house. They are with Me worshiping God. They are in My Presence united with My Mother and all the saints and angels glorifying God in joyous praise.



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