Friday, May 31, 2024

AMOS 9:11

 AMOS 9:11

On that day I will raise up
   the booth of David that is fallen,
and repair its breaches,
   and raise up its ruins,
   and rebuild it as in the days of old.

---- mine,

As I have assured you over and over again in these last years when it appeared to you that all that once was is lost forever, I will heal, I will restore, I will bless. I AM, is anything too difficult for Me? As for you, ---- my own, be still and know that I AM the Lord your God. I AM first last and forever. I build and I tear down. I crush, and I thrust into the fire of purification. I burn the dross until all that remains is a pure heart and a humble and contrite spirit, and these I will never spurn. Fast and pray constantly as you are doing. Hope, for I AM the Lord of all consolation and no prayer that rises from a heart pliant to the will of God will remain unheard. I have heard and I have answered. Wait patiently and in My time, in My way and according to My will the time of rejoicing will come. My Word that goes out of my mouth shall not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish all that I command. My Word will succeed in that which I sent it to do. BE NOT AFRAID!

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