Wednesday, May 15, 2024

ISAIAH 27:2-3 (2024)

ISAIAH 27:2-3

On that day, he will say,
“Praise my fruitful vineyard!
I, Yahweh, am its keeper; I water it every moment.
So that no one will harm it, day and night I guard it.”

---- mine,

It is the Holy Spirit who makes you fruitful and enables you to bear fruit in every season. I, Am the Vine and you are a branch of the Vine. My Father is the vinedresser who prunes you and removes all that hinders your growth. The Holy Spirit pours Living Water on you and keeps you alive. I AM the Gatekeeper who keeps vigil over you night and day so the Enemy cannot enter to harm you. Remain in my love, ---- my own. Choose life and turn resolutely away from anything that can separate you from Me. Apart from Me, you can do nothing but with Me, you will find that all things are possible. Remain in my love. 

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