Monday, April 23, 2018


Sirach 33:13

As clay in the hand of the potter to be molded as he pleases, so are all in the hands of the Creator to be dealt with as he sees fit.

---- Mine,

Have you watched a potter at the wheel? Have you seen how expertly his hands fashion and mold the clay into whatever shape he desires?  For every lump of clay that he picks up to work on there is a purpose in his mind and as the wheel turns he fashions the lump of clay into the shape he desires. Once he is satisfied with what he has done he will put it in a furnace in order to strengthen it.  The finished product may be one that is beautiful with a delicate design or it may be one that is made for more utilitarian purposes. Whatever the purpose for which it was created by the potter thus it was shaped so it can best function in the way he intended. The clay can do nothing. 

So it with My Father who created you. Even before you were conceived He had a purpose and plan for your life. He created you to do a specific work in the world. He created you in the best way possible to accomplish that work. All the suffering in your life is like the furnace in which you were thrust in order to be strengthened so you can withstand all the challenges that you face. Yield, surrender, let the Potter do with you what He will; He knows best what you are capable of. Let Him decide how best you can serve Him. You are created in order to be used for God's glory not your own.

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