Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Psalm 46:11

Be still, and know that I am God.
I am exalted among the nations,
exalted over the earth!

---- Mine,

This is why I tell you that you need never be anxious, worried, afraid, or feel alone because I AM GOD, there is no other. And I declare you to be My own in time and in eternity. I AM God not man, is anything too difficult for Me? Is My arm too short to deliver? All creatures  in every time, place, and season, look to Me to live. If I withdrraw My Breath, the Breath of My Spirit, they are no more. 

Take a moment to still and quiet your senses and let this truth sink deep into your very being I AM GOD and you my own little nothing belong to Me, I have claimed you for Myself, I have made a holy Covenant with you that is eternal. Walk in the freedom of the children of God. Claim the inheritance that is yours. It delights me to make you co-heir with Me and to share in the inheritiance that is Mine.

Ask and before the plea leaves your lips I hear and I answer. Rejoice and be glad always and let your heart overflow with praise and thanksgiving always and in all circumstances because you are Mine.

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