Wednesday, June 19, 2024

LUKE 11:27-28 (2024)

LUKE 11:27-28 

While he was saying this, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!” 

---- mine, 

Very often you emphasize the wrong thing, it may be good but there is something greater that you miss when you focus on what is less important, and less relevant. Sometimes you can be like the woman in the crowd who was so emotionally charged by My teaching that she cried aloud, praising My Mother but she was praising her for the wrong reasons. While it was true that My Mother, Mary, was uniquely blessed, she was fully aware that she had done nothing to merit this singular grace, it was God who chose her and God who raised her up as she sang in her hymn of praise to God in the Magnificat. What raises My Mother above every human creature is that none heard the Word of God and obeyed it as perfectly as she did. The Word of God was food and drink to her as it was to Me. Do you wish to be blessed, ---- my own? Then you too must strive to hear the Word of God and obey it in season and out of season, always and everywhere, when it is convenient or not when it costs you nothing, and when it costs you everything. And praise My Mother, love, and reverence her, and take her into your home. She is My gift to you. She will teach you, pray for you, intercede for you, and obtain all the graces you need to obey God in all things as she did. Her intercessory prayers to Me, her Son, for all her children, are always heard.

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