Sunday, June 23, 2024

PSALM 55:1-2, 18, 23, 24C (2024)

PSALM 55:1-2, 18, 23, 24C

Listen to my prayer, O God, do not be deaf to my pleading;
give heed to me and answer me.
Morning, evening, and even at noon, 
I cry out my grievance and moan; 
surely he will hear my voice.
Place your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; 
for he never allows the upright to fall.
As for me, I trust in you alone, O Lord.

---- mine,

What do you think about the goodness of My Father? Cast your thoughts on all the days of your life that are now past and see how God has cared for you, especially during those difficult times when you thought you would never know joy and peace of mind ever again. What does this teach you? When has God ever failed you? When have you found that the prayers you have prayed have fallen on deaf ears and your cries and pleadings have remained unanswered? What is your experience of Me, the Son of the Living God, and My Holy Spirit? And how has My Father and yours dealt with you always? When My Mother whom I have given you failed to comfort and console you and assure you that she who walked with Me every step of Calvary will not be with you too? When has she not assured you that she is praying for you, interceding for you mediating on your behalf, and obtaining from Me all that she asks of Me for you? You importune the saints especially St. Joseph and St. Anthony daily - now listen attentively to what I say to you. Quiet your soul. Still your beating and anxious heart. Let My peace flood your soul and you will rediscover anew that I have never failed you in the past and I will not fail you now nor will I ever fail you in the years ahead. Do not be troubled ---- my little one, I have heard and I will answer for I Am the Yes and the Amen of God. 

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