Sunday, June 9, 2024

PSALM 143:8-12 (2024)

PSALM 143:8-12

Let the dawn bring me word of your love; 
For in you alone, I put my trust. 
Show me the way I should walk, 
for to you I lift up my soul.
Rescue me from my enemies, O Yahweh, 
for to you, I flee for refuge. 
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. 
Let your Spirit lead me on a safe path. 
Preserve me, O Yahweh, for your name’s sake; 
free me from distress, in your justice. 
You, who are merciful, crush my enemies
and destroy all my foes, for I am your servant.

---- mine,. 

Long before the first light of dawn, you come to Me. You ask Me to speak to you a word of love, encouragement, and assurance. You plead with Me without ceasing for the salvation of those nearest dearest and closest to your heart. You are full of sadness at the sinful choices made leading to broken hearts, broken lives, and their distancing from the rest of the members of My body. To you who are helpless, these troubles seem insurmountable. You are aware that there is no joy apart from Me, no life without Me, and only death and sorrow apart from Me and so your soul is cast down and you go about sad sorrowful anxious, and joyless. Yet this is not what faith in Me is about. Without faith, and hope how can you trust Me? Cast a glance at your own past and walk along it in your mind’s eye until you come to the present. Have you not wandered far from Me often? And have I not led you back to the fold? Take heart. What I have done for you I will do for them as well. I will lead them by the hand. I will seek them wherever they are. I will bring them home and there will be great rejoicing when they return to My Father’s house never to depart from it or Me again. 

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