Tuesday, June 18, 2024

LUKE 8:46-48 (2024)

LUKE 8:46-48

But Jesus insisted, "Someone touched me,
for I felt power go out from me,"
The woman knew she had been discovered.
She came trembling and knelt before Jesus.
Then she openly confessed why she had touched him,
and how she had been instantly cured.
And Jesus said to her,
"Daughter, your faith has saved you.
Go in peace."

---- mine,

 Cling to Me, do not let go. Stay with Me and let me stay with you. Let the power of My Spirit course through you and give you life and healing in mind, soul, body, and spirit. Do not be afraid to approach Me night or day for I AM with you always. I long to hear the sound of your voice. Ask for anything and I will give it to you. AM I not your Brother, Beloved, Bridegroom of your soul – there is nothing I will not do for you – I laid down My life for you what more can I give you that I have not already given you. My Father is your Father, My Mother is your Mother, My Spirit is poured into your soul. Come, ---- my own, come to Me, let me lead you to green pastures, let me take you to drink beside cool streams so you can rest and be refreshed. Come and be blessed and receive the peace that the world cannot give. Take heart, do not be afraid, rest in My love.

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