Saturday, June 15, 2024

WISDOM 16:26-28 (2024)

WISDOM 16:26-28

Then the children you love learned
that it is not crops of whatever kind which
nourish humankind, but your word that
sustains those who trust you.
That food which resisted fire, simply
melted in the warmth of a fleeting sunbeam,
teaching us that we must rise
before the sun to give thanks
and pray to you at dawn.

---- mine, 

You belong to the family of God and over His children He stoops low and feeds them with the Bread of Life and He gives them drink from the Cup of Life and Salvation. This is the Bread of Angels necessary for eternal life without which you will wither and die. This is the imperishable food that wells up to divine life in the children of the Most High purchased with My Life. This is the supernatural food that is given to all who are grafted to Me, My Church, My Bride. All that is dross, impure, unworthy melts in the fire of My inexhaustible love. This is why it is right and good for you to wake up at dawn before the rising of the sun, to give praise and thanksgiving to the God of Love who created you in love, redeemed you in love, and sanctified you in love.

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