Monday, June 3, 2024

WISDOM 6:26-29 (2024

WISDOM 6:26-29 

Then the children you love learned that it is not crops of whatever kind which nourish humankind, but your word that sustains those who trust you. That food which resisted fire, simply melted in the warmth of a fleeting sunbeam, teaching us that we must rise before the sun to give thanks and pray to you at dawn. The hope of the ungrateful will melt like winter frost and flow away like water that is not being used. 

---- mine, 

It is not what you eat that sustains you but the Word of God that stoops low over you every waking and sleeping moment. There is not an instant ---- my own, when My gaze is not lovingly on you watching over you, teaching you, leading and guiding you, and encouraging and consoling you. In the early hours before dawn you come to Me morning after morning and you rest in Me. In those early hours even though you do not always fully comprehend, I feed your soul on the Bread of My Word and when you come daily to celebrate the Holy Eucharist I feed you with My Body. You receive Me in Holy Communion Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity and we are one in an intimacy that nothing in human experience can match – for it is a marriage between God and you, making you truly My spouse and I, the Bridegroom of your soul. Remain in My love and be assured that I who am God hear the cry of your heart and hearing always, I answer. Be at peace and fear nothing. 

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