Thursday, June 27, 2024

TOBIT 13:6-7 (2024)

TOBIT 13:6-7

If you turn back to him with all your
heart and soul,
and live justly before him,
then he will turn back to you
and will no longer hide his face from you.
See what he has done for you
and return him thanks aloud.
Bless the Lord who alone is just
and praise the King of ages.

---- mine,

While it is true that God created you for His pleasure and we desired you to be born so you could be with us in eternity, you, my child, cannot be saved unless you will it. A thousand times a day you turn your face from Me. A thousand times a day you do what displeases Me. A thousand times a day you walk away from Me yet, when trouble comes you are importunate in your cries and lamentations. You are ceaseless in your sighs and tears. All you do is plead that the cross be lifted from you and those you love. You complain that I place heavy loads on you and the sorrow and grief you bear is relentless. Is this really true, ---- my own? Each of you is well aware that the consequences of a life of sin mean separation from Me. Grace is cut off for it is rejected. Having chosen willingly and carelessly to break the Commandments you now wail and lament the suffering that justly follows. But take heart. There is a remedy to sin - a humble, contrite heart I will not spurn. It does not matter how far you or your loved ones have strayed, you and they can always return like the Prodigal Son and always, always, find a welcome in the Father's loving embrace just as he did. If sinners repent and resolve to sin no more all will be restored and your place assured one more in My Father's house. The hymn of the repentant sinner is unceasing praise and thanksgiving for all God has done.

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