Monday, June 17, 2024

MATTHEW 21:22 (2024)


Whatever you ask for in prayer full of faith, you will receive.

---- mine,

Be still and know that I AM God. I know all, I see all, I hear and answer every prayer. Have no fear not for yourself or for your loved ones for I have overcome the world. Pray without ceasing let your mind and your heart rest in Me and be still. Be not afraid my own, but in all things with praise and thanksgiving make your needs known to Me, I do not tire of listening to you for I delight in your praises and I am pleased when you trust Me with all your trials and troubles. Am I not God? Will I not hear and answer my little ones when they run to Me? I will hear and I will answer. Have faith and all you ask for in prayer full of faith you will receive I assure you.

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