Sunday, October 27, 2024

JUDITH 8:25, 27 (2024)

JUDITH 8:25, 27

In spite of everything let us give thanks to the Lord our God, who is putting us to the test as he did our ancestors. For he has not tried us with fire, as he did them, to search their hearts, nor has he taken vengeance on us; but the Lord scourges those who are close to him in order to admonish them.’

---- mine,

In all circumstances, always and everywhere you must praise and thank God because all that occurs in your life and in the lives of those you love is according to My perfect will. I permit these trials and sufferings for your good, to perfect you, and to mold you in My image and likeness. Without the cleansing fire of suffering you will not know the genuineness of your love, your faith, your strength, and your courage to endure even when you are walking in the valley of death and tears. Count it all joy when the storm around you grows stronger, the winds are tossing you around in every direction, you have veered off course, and the waves are so high you are certain you will sink. Even in these circumstances know that I AM with you and through all the perilous and difficult moments in your life when your heart is breaking and you believe you will never know joy or peace again, know that I AM with you. The storm will pass, the winds will die down, the sun will come out, blessings will flow, and peace will reign. I will guide you gently and safely into the safe harbor of My Sacred Heart. But trials are necessary, and suffering is necessary for it is in these times that you are tested as gold is tested in the fire and purified. Be of good cheer ---- my own, all that troubles you will pass and you will rejoice and give praise to Me and glorify My Name, and all who hear all that God has done for you will rejoice with you. Remember I AM God nothing is too difficult for Me.

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