Wednesday, October 9, 2024

MATTHEW 8:25-26 (2024)

MATTHEW 8:25-26
And they went and woke him up, saying, 
‘Lord, save us! We are perishing!’ 
And he said to them, ‘Why are you afraid, you of little faith?’ 
Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea; 
and there was a dead calm.

---- mine,

Do you think that your cries are unheard by Me, do you doubt that I will permit those that are grafted on to Me to perish? Do you yet not understand that I know My own and my own know Me? Yes in this life you will have trials, troubles, and tribulations, these are necessary to purify you, strengthen you, and enable you to withstand the wiles of the Enemy. He never rests but prowls night and day seeking the ruin of souls especially souls who are lukewarm, and only concerned about what the world thinks, embraces, and celebrates. The things of the world will pass away but My words will never pass away. I have come to give life and give it in abundance. Persevere in prayer, praise, supplications, and thanksgiving, and I, who know all, see all, hear all, I, who am the same yesterday today, and always, will be present in the lives of My sheep. I will ride the storm with your loved ones and keep them safe. I will rescue them and they will know that I AM the Lord, there is no other. Be of good cheer  ---- my own, I have overcome the world and by the power of My Word, I will command the raging wind to calm to a gentle breeze. By My hand, I will rescue them and your children will know that I AM God and that I always keep My promises. They will believe as you believe and marvel at the goodness of God.

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