Monday, October 21, 2024

TOBIT 7:16 (2024)

TOBIT 7:16

So she went and made the bed in the room as he had told her, and brought Sarah there. She wept for her daughter. Then, wiping away the tears, she said to her, ‘Take courage, my daughter; the Lord of heaven grant you joy in place of your sorrow. Take courage, my daughter.’ Then she went out.

---- mine,

In this valley of sorrows, death, darkness, sin, and tears you and those you love so dearly will have your share of grief. This is the price that must be paid by all the children of Eve. But God, the Father and the Creator has given the Redeemer of the world all authority and all power because I paid the price for the redemption of the whole world. Be of good cheer for I have conquered the world. I have dispelled the darkness. I have broken the chains that held you all captive by the power of My Blood. But remember that you still need to desire to be saved, redeemed, and sanctified. Gladly and willingly respond to My call to walk in the Light with all the children of Light who have said yes to the Father's will and have received the gift of My Holy Spirit. Continue to pray, continue to hope, continue to raise your voice in prayer with groans and tears, and sighs too deep for words and the Holy Spirit who abides in you, lives in you, and moves in you will help you and those you pray for and in the end, you will all taste the triumph and victory of the salvation that I gladly won for you in the Cross. Weeping will tarry only for a while, ---- my own, joy will surely come in the morning. I AM God and I have spoken and My Word is Truth rejoice in the Truth.

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