Sunday, October 20, 2024

MATTHEW 6:7-8 (2024)


‘When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

---- mine,

How you pray reflects your relationship with Me, My Father, and My Holy Spirit. Prayer is an awareness of the love of God, the presence of God, the wonder and power of God that surrounds you,  upholds you, fills you, and protects you. Prayer helps you to turn away from the things that trouble you, make you anxious, and enables you to fix your gaze on Me who is always able to fill you with faith, hope, and confidence. Do not permit the anxieties of this world to become a barrier between us. Do not allow the distractions of this world to make you indifferent to Me who desires nothing more than to delight you and give you all that is necessary to be happy in this life and to prepare you for the eternal delights of the world to come. Do not grow weary of praying and doing good, do not become impatient, do not lose heart because the answer to your prayers has not come yet nor has it been answered according to your desires. Seek first the Kingdom of God, ---- my own, always, seek Me, seek to receive that which I desire to give and you will find that your joy and your peace come from embracing My will for you and the people you love. Let your prayer always be, 'Let it be done to me according to your will' and you will taste the joys of heaven while you are still in this valley of tears. Your Father knows all that you need even before you ask Him and He who is Jehovah Jirah will fill your life with the peace and the joy that the world cannot give.

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