Saturday, October 12, 2024

PSALM 73:23-26 (2024)

PSALM 73:23-26

Nevertheless I am continually with you;
   you hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
   and afterwards you will receive me with honour.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
   And there is nothing on earth that I desire other than you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
   but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

---- mine,

The words of the psalmist are true - make them your own. Believe that I AM always with you for I AM Emmanuel. I have taken you by the right hand and I will never let it go. I share My merits with you. I have obtained from you from My Father the privilege of being a daughter of the Most High because I have claimed you for My sister. I AM your Spouse, I AM your Brother, I AM your Friend and I have grafted you to My Body. Remain in My love. Believe in My promises. Love Me, honor Me, worship Me for I AM the Lord your God and you are a member of the household of God. All your life comes from Me through the Holy Spirit whom I have given you, I have poured the Spirit into Your soul and He binds you to My Father and to Me with unbreakable bonds. No power can wrest you from Me. The Father and I are one and I have drawn you into the Life of God. Even when you believe that nothing is going your way know that this is the lie whispered to you by the great deceiver. You and yours are Mine and by the power of My Name, I will save and give you eternal life. My promises are irrevocable Believe and rejoice for I have come to overcome the world and I have. The powers of darkness shall never prevail against you and those you love. Pray, hope, and do not be anxious about anything for I have conquered and victory is Mine and all who are Mine have a share in it. You are Mine.

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