Sunday, October 6, 2024

SIRACH 39:18-21 (2024)

SIRACH 39:18-21

At his order his every wish is fulfilled,
and no one hinders his work of salvation.
The deeds of all are before him, nothing is hidden from his eyes;
he sees all from eternity to eternity and nothing surprises him.
No one must say: “What is that? Why is it so?”,
for everything, is created for a purpose.

---- mine,

All that is, all that My hand has created, everything down to the tiniest blade of grass is planned and willed by God. All life comes from Me. All blessings are granted through the power of the Eternal Word of the Father in the Holy Spirit. If it were not so it would not. exist. You and your loved ones, each one ever born of woman is a thought of God, a plan of God, a will of God, and this is why all my purposes for your lives and theirs will be fulfilled  No one can snatch those whom the Father has given Me from My hands. Remember that all things, regardless of whether your not you perceive them as good or bad, work for the good of those who love God. This is why the prayers, sighs, and tears of My little ones, My faithful ones, and their hymns of praise, joy worship, thanksgiving, and gratitude rise up to Me without ceasing. I hear all, I answer all, I delight in all. I AM the Lord your God, I AM the Eternal Son of the Father, nothing is too difficult for Me so continue to pray and praise and raise all your petitions to Me. You and your loved ones are Mine. Rejoice and be glad for it pleases My Father to give you and all His children a share in in My inheritance.

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