Monday, August 26, 2024

BARUCH 5:5-6 (2024)

BARUCH 5:5-6

Arise, O Jerusalem, stand upon the height;
   look towards the east,
and see your children gathered from west and east
   at the word of the Holy One,
   rejoicing that God has remembered them.
For they went out from you on foot,
   led away by their enemies;
but God will bring them back to you,
   carried in glory, as on a royal throne.

---- mine,

Remember, recall, and reflect on every promise I have made to you and continue to make to you regarding those you love, for whom you agonize and pray daily. I have assured you over and over again that they are Mine and I will never abandon them or you. Your sighs, your cries, your tears, your moans, and groans, your silent sighing through the day, in the night, and in the early watches of dawn I hear and I will answer. Be not afraid ---- my own. They were mine before they were yours and all the things that break your heart concerning your loved ones break Mine as well. By My Word, My eternal Word, My Life-giving Word I have declared that I will save and My Word shall not return to Me without accomplishing all that I have declared it to do. Be at peace. Calm your anxious soul. Rest in My love and be still - the storm has passed and all is well.

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