Monday, August 12, 2024

ZECHARIAH 2:9, 12, 14, 15 (2024)

ZECHARIAH 2:9, 12, 14, 15  

For this is the word of Yahweh: I, myself, will be around her like a wall of fire, and also within her, in glory.” 

For thus Yahweh Sabaoth says, after his glory sent me to condemn the nations that have plundered you, “Whoever touches you touches the apple of my eye. 

“Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for I am about to come, I shall dwell among you,” says Yahweh. “On that day, many nations will join Yahweh and be my people, but my dwelling is among you.”

---- mine,

Yes, you are a sinner, yes you fall many times a day, yes, you are unable to do any good without My grace and My help, and yes, without Me you will surely perish. I know you, I know all there is to know about you but I know this too, you are Mine. I purchased you. I paid the ransom and redeemed you. I gave My life for yours exchanging My life for your death and taking on Myself the price of each of your iniquities. Now, you are the apple of My eye and I will protect you. I will help you, I will guard you, and keep you safe. I will hear you and I will answer. No one can snatch you from Me for you are irrevocably mine in time and in eternity. Be of good cheer ---- my own, I have conquered sin, death, and the devil and I share My victory with you and with all who are Mine.

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