Wednesday, August 21, 2024

ESTHER 7:2B (2024)


The king again said to Esther, ‘What is your petition, Queen Esther? It shall be granted you. And what is your request? Even to the half of my kingdom, it shall be fulfilled.’ 

---- mine,

Every prayer you pray to Me and My Father in Heaven, all your pleading to My Mother, Queen of heaven and earth, the holy saints in heaven, and all the angels rise up like fragrant incense before Me seated on My throne of mercy and grace. It is I who pour out My Spirit on you. Be not afraid for I AM your King and you are my own little spouse, my bride, my own little one. Lean on Me cling to Me, confide in Me, tell Me everything that troubles you makes you anxious, makes your heart tremble with fear. I am God and I AM also the Bridegroom of your soul. I hear and answer every prayer even those that you pray wordlessly in your heart. I hear all, I see all, and I will always come to your aid and answer. All I have is yours My victory and triumph are yours, I save and uphold with My victorious right hand, My holy arm. Be not afraid ---- my own, I have heard and answered.

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