Thursday, August 8, 2024

JUDITH 16:5 (2024)


But the Lord Almighty has foiled them
   by the hand of a woman.

---- mine,

It is the Woman clothed with the Sun whom it pleases Me to use as a conduit to pour out immense graces on all who love her tenderly, praise her, and imitate her. Anyone who desires prompt access to Me can do so through the Mother of God. She is the Theotokos, the God-bearer, and she carries all her children within her heart. This is why anyone who calls on her will find themselves in My Presence. She is the fullness of all motherhood, and the love of all the mothers that ever were from the first to the last is but a drop in comparison to the torrents of love that flow from My Mother's heart over all her children. She is the mediatrix of all graces and loves all her children but she has a special, most tender love for the weakest, the most sinful, the most frail of her children. Recognizing that they lack the will to live a life of grace they throw themselves on her maternal love trustfully knowing that she can refill their lives with new wine. At her request, as at the Wedding in Cana, I will always do all she asks of Me. 

Remember also that a woman, although often in the background, has the power to move the heart of God to work mightily in the lives of her children, her spouse, and everyone she prays for. God will not refuse to answer the prayers nor fail to hear the cries of a mother. Do not be afraid ---- my own, do not be afraid! All is well.

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