Friday, August 2, 2024

PROVERBS 30:4-5 (2024)


Who has ascended the heavens and descended?
Who has gathered the wind in his hands? 
Who has encircled the waters with his cloak? 
Who has established the limits of the earth? 
What is his name or the name of his son? 
Do you know? 

Every word of God is true, 
he is a shield in whom man can find refuge.
---- mine,

Do you know the One in whom you have placed all your hope and trust? Have you truly placed all your faith in Me? How well do you know Me? I AM WHO AM. I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. I AM your God. I AM the Son of God. I AM the Savior of the world. I AM the Messiah and I AM the Beloved of your soul. I AM your Spouse. I AM the firstborn Son of the Creator and Maker of the world and My Father and I are One.  I AM God and the Son of God and you belong to Me. You have taken refuge in Me and I have given you total and unimpeded access to My Heart and My life which I pour into your soul always and everywhere. Be still, ---- my own, and know that I AM God. I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. All that My Father has given Me I share with you for nothing delights Me more than to give you all that I have. I AM the Living God. I AM the Son of the Living God and you have nothing to fear not for yourself or those you love. I have spoken and all that I have said I will accomplish. Be still, be content, be at peace.

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