Friday, July 12, 2024

BARUCH 5:6 (2024)


For they went out from you on foot,
   led away by their enemies;
but God will bring them back to you,
   carried in glory, as on a royal throne.

---- mine,

Your children left you for a faraway land across mountains and oceans and the great expanse between you and them is not just physical in time and space but also spiritual. The great divide seems unbridgeable and insurmountable but remember, with Me nothing is impossible. Although they have wandered far from their Father's House they will return like the Prodigal Son to the ever-loving and ever-outstretched arms of the Father, He will draw them into His everlasting love and embrace. They will return ---- my own, this I assure you. Let My peace fill your soul and let your spirit be filled with gladness and joy for I will wipe away the tears from every eye and by the power of My Word I will reconcile them to God. I came not to condemn but to forgive and reconcile and this I will do. I the Lord have spoken and all that I have said will be accomplished - I AM God and all things are possible for those who place all their faith, hope, and trust in Me. Be not afraid! Do not be dismayed. As I have said so it will be.

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