Wednesday, July 31, 2024

PSALM 94:18-19 (2024)

PSALM 94:18-19

When I thought, ‘My foot is slipping’,
   your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.
When the cares of my heart are many,
   your consolations cheer my soul.

---- mine,

My right hand holds you fast to My side. Fear nothing but fear itself. When you are afraid you lose focus when you take your gaze off Me you stumble and are in danger of falling. Trust Me at all times and let the praise of God be ever in your heart and on your lips. Keep your thoughts always on Me recalling past blessings, not difficulties and sorrows. Remember how I brought you through each one of them and let gratitude, praise, worship, adoration, and confidence in My love care, and protection overflow in your heart and soul. Let the praise of God be always on your lips and let My Word sustain you in times of difficulties. Know that I AM God and that I will never leave you, never will I forsake you for you are Mine. See, I have carved your name on the palms of My hand.

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