Tuesday, July 16, 2024

ESTHER 14:14, 15:9-12 (2024)

ESTHER 14:14, 15:9-12

But save us by your hand, and help me, who am alone and have no helper but you, O Lord. 

‘What is it, Esther? I am your husband. Take courage; You shall not die, for our law applies only to our subjects. Come near.’

Then he raised the golden sceptre and touched her neck with it; he embraced her, and said, ‘Speak to me.’ 

---- mine,

Each time you cry out to Me, each time you reach out for Me, each time I see your eyes filled with tears and spilling down your cheeks, each time I see how sorrow overflows from your heart and you cry out to Me for help and comfort, praying ceaselessly for those you love, for their salvation, for their well being for their healing I hear you ---- my own. I hear you and invite you to draw near to Me as I draw near to you and I enfold you in a close embrace. So close that our hearts beat as one. Fret not. Dry your eyes. Am I not your Spouse, your Brother, your Friend, the Bridegroom of your soul? Will I not hear and answer you because I love you so tenderly I lay down My life and not just for you but all those you pray for so faithfully? I AM God and nothing is impossible for Me. Never cease speaking to Me. Bring all your troubles to Me and I will hear you, answer you, and give you all you ask for. Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Be of good cheer I have overcome the world.

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