Tuesday, July 23, 2024

PSALM 131:2-3 (2024)

PSALM 131:2-3

I have quieted and stilled my soul,
like a weaned child, on its mother’s lap;
like a contented child is my soul.

Hope in the Lord, O Israel,
now and forever.

---- mine,

A humble, contrite heart I will not spurn. Stay little, stay small, and understand that without Me you are nothing but with Me, you can do all things. Unless you become like a little child you cannot enter the Kingdom of God for it is to the little ones that the Kingdom of God belongs. Trust in Me, hope in My Word. Without hope, you will never be happy, never know peace, and never possess serenity of soul. In this life, you will have difficulties. Each day brings its own troubles, how can you who have neither strength nor courage and are anxious about everything withstand the forces of darkness if you have no hope in My merits? Hope will enable you to face all the troubles and difficulties that you face each day. Hope in the merits I obtained for you on the Cross through the Sacrifice of My Life to My Father. Pray constantly and beg the Holy Spirit to never let hope dim for it is hope that will carry you like a buoy on the stormy waters of life. Be still and know that I AM God and I will never abandon you for you are Mine now and forever. Be of good cheer for I hear you always and I always answer. Wait in faith and hope for love makes all things new - God's love for you and your love for Me.

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