Saturday, July 13, 2024

ISAIAH 45:3-4 (2024)

ISAIAH 45:3-4

I will give you treasures hidden in darkness
and riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am Yahweh,
the God of Israel who calls you by your name.
For the sake of Jacob my servant,
of Israel my chosen one,
I have called you by your name
and given you your mission
although you do not know me.

---- mine,

My promises and My love are for all - no one is excluded from My Father's House. It is for the glory of God that all creation came into existence by the Power of God's Word and His Breath. Every living creature glorifies the Creator and more so must you. I desire that all people in every land and of every race and language are to know Me and be called by My Name so all will be saved. This mission I entrust to you. You are to make Me known and loved. Testify by the witness of your life in great things and small all that God has done and how He has saved and redeemed not just you but the world. Seek Me and you will find inexhaustible treasures of My graces not in the chaos and disarray of the world but in quiet. Withdraw from the garish lights that seek to distract you and lure you from Me and you will meet Me in the darkness of faith. Withdraw into the secret sanctuary of your heart and there I will teach you, and I will love you, and I will minister to you and you in turn will love with the love that I have loved you. 

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