Sunday, July 14, 2024

MATTHEW 19:30, 20:16 (2024)

MATTHEW 19:30, 20:16

But many who are now first will be last, and many who are now last will be first. 

So will it be: the last will be first, the first will be last.’ 

---- mine,

As you know in the Kingdom of Heaven all things are opposed to the things of the world and those who embrace the ways of the world. In My Father's House the humble are raised and the proud cast into the darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. In the Kingdom of My Father those who were last in the world but who continued to live to praise God and obey His will in all things no matter how difficult it was and despite all they suffered for keeping My commandments will receive eternal life and will share in My glorious inheritance. In the world the rich, the powerful, the influential, who are caught up in their own hubris and deny Me and set themselves up to be God will in the end find that when time has run out, as it eventually does for all creatures, they will suffer the most terrible punishments in the bottomless pit of hell eternally. There the fire never goes out and the torments never cease. But for the poor of the Lord, His little ones, those who sought shelter under His wings and remained nestled in His shadow will be led with joy by all the angels and saints to the place prepared for them in Heaven and there they will enjoy eternal bliss as they behold God face to face never to be parted from Him.

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