Thursday, July 11, 2024

PSALM 30:5 (2024)

PSALM 30:5

For his anger is but for a moment;
his favour is for a lifetime.
Weeping may linger for the night,
but joy comes with the morning.

---- mine,

I drive away all the phantoms that haunt you when you walk in the dark valley of sin, and you give in to your blackest fears. You feel the heat of My anger when you refuse to trust Me, refuse to have faith in My Word, refuse to do anything that would honor the God of Love who created you in love for a glorious destiny. But I also know that you are weak, frail, easily tempted, and easily distracted. You readily give in to your feelings instead of refusing to succumb to the wiles of the Enemy. I understand that you often do exercise discipline when you ought and lean on Me for strength which is always readily available to you. You sin often in little ways and these faults and failings prevent you from becoming the child of God that you are created to be. But do not lose hope, grace is always available to those who ask for it. Your time of weeping is over it is time to put on the mantle of joy and gladness and to exult in the love and faithfulness of the Bridegroom of your soul. Take off your garments of mourning and put on the festal garments of the bride and come to Me and remain in Me now and always.

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