Tuesday, July 30, 2024

SIRACH 39:5-6 (2024)

 SIRACH 39:5-6

He sets his heart on rising early
   to seek the Lord who made him,
   and to petition the Most High;
he opens his mouth in prayer
   and asks pardon for his sins.

If the great Lord is willing,
   he will be filled with the spirit of understanding;
he will pour forth words of wisdom of his own
   and give thanks to the Lord in prayer.

---- mine,

Morning after morning you come to Me and spend the first hours of day with Me. I stoop low from My Throne in heaven to come to you, to listen to you, to comfort you, and assure you that I AM God and I love you with a love beyond your expectations or understanding. My love for you is everlasting. Frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation often so you can approach Me with a blameless heart. Cleanse the sanctuary of your soul from even the smallest imperfections and it will be a place of great delight for Me to repose in and find respite from a world abounding with debauchery and filth. Remain in Me and I will remain in you. Tell Me everything; all that makes you anxious. Confide all your joys and sorrows all that troubles you and then be still and let My Spirit flow gently into your soul and fill you with My peace and My joy. Let Me fill you with all that you need to assist you in making your pilgrim journey from this life to eternity with Me in the next. Be still and know that I AM God and I love you.

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