Wednesday, July 17, 2024

SONG OF SONGS 8:6-7 (2024)

SONG OF SONGS 8:5a, 6-7

Who is that coming up from the wilderness,
leaning upon her beloved?

Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal upon your arm;
for love is strong as death,
passion fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
a raging flame.
Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can floods drown it.
If one offered for love
all the wealth of one’s house,
it would be utterly scorned.

---- mine,

Lean on Me, you have a rightful claim on My Heart. Receive your strength from Me. Am I not your Lord and your God? Am I not your Spouse? Am I not the Bridegroom of your soul? To whom will you run except to Me, whom will you cling to but Me, who has loved you with an everlasting love. I have poured out My life for you as a libation so you may live. I have called you by your name. I have washed you from every stain of iniquity. I have sealed you in the power of My Holy Spirit. I have taken you by the hand leading you every step of the way through the valley of tears, sorrow, and suffering until I bring you safely to My Father's House and to eternal life and joy. Nothing can snatch you away from Me. No power can separate us. Only you can do that. You have the power to turn your face from Me. You have the power to let go of My Hand. Choose Me and you choose life. Choose Me and you choose love that will never end. You are Mine and Mine you will remain in time and eternity. Fear nothing, ---- my own, it pleases My Father to give you the Kingdom.

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