Monday, July 8, 2024

MATTHEW 17:7 (2024)


But Jesus came and touched them, saying, ‘Get up and do not be afraid.’

---- mine,

Never forget, not even for an instant, that you belong to Me. You are Mine. I purchased you with My Blood. I ransomed you. I paid the price for your salvation and through My death, you have received life in abundance. I have given you joy in place of sorrow, courage in the place of fear, hope amid despair, and eternal life in exchange for eternal death. Take heart. Look at My hands and my feet, see the wound in My Side it is the entrance to My Sacred Heart. I invite you to enter and repose in it. Do not be afraid My love surrounds you, My power is in you, My Holy Spirit abides in you, and God is with you and walks with you. Be not afraid! Do not ever be afraid for you have nothing to fear. 

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