Monday, July 15, 2024

PSALM 23:1 (2024)

PSALM 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. 

---- mine,

I AM the Good Shepherd I know My sheep and Mine know Me. I know you, I have always known you, from eternity to eternity you are Mine. Do not allow the troubles of this world to weigh you down, Trust in me Am I, not your Spouse, the Bridegroom of your Soul? Have I not loved you and cared for you with an unwavering love even when you wandered far from Me? My love is everlasting. I AM God and not man and My Word is true. I have made promises to you concerning your loved ones and I KEEP MY WORD. All that I have said I will do. Be not afraid, be not troubled, rest in My Love and I will give you My peace and joy. You will taste the goodness of God in this life and you will enjoy it fully in the life to come. Be not afraid You are Mine in time and in eternity.

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