Friday, July 19, 2024

MATTHEW 6:20-21 (2024)

MATTHEW 6:20-21

Store up treasures for yourself with God,
where no moth or rust can destroy it,
nor thief come and steal it.
For where your treasures is,
there, also, will your heart be.

---- mine,

Every earthly thing that humans set store by that is created, of this world, and made by human beings has no place in the heavenly realm. All that is of the earth will perish, will decay, will be lost, can be stolen, and have no value at all when compared with the things of heaven. Beware of thinking and acting like those in the world who spend their whole lives not in the present moment but in an imaginary future life that they may or may not ever live to enjoy. They put up with people and situations that crush and destroy their spirit for some utopian future where they imagine themselves eating and drinking and being merry. It is to these that I say, 'You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?' You ---- my own, take heed. Do not find comfort in what you possess of this world rather store up for yourself treasures that are incorruptible. Do good while you still can, while today lasts. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Today is the day, the hour, the moment to live, to love and serve joyfully, willingly, and obediently, expecting your reward not from those in the world but from your Father in heaven who will reward you richly. 

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