Saturday, September 21, 2024

2 SAMUEL 22:7, 17, 20 (2024)

2 SAMUEL 22:7, 17, 20

In my distress I called upon the Lord;
   to my God I called.
From his temple he heard my voice,
   and my cry came to his ears.

He reached from on high, he took me,
   he drew me out of mighty waters.
He brought me out into a broad place;
   he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

---- mine,

For as long as you need to be reassured, for as long as it takes, I will reach down to you and I will calm your fears. I understand, I know, I am aware that fear, anxiety, and disquiet fills your soul. Your heart trembles with dread and you are filled with worry that wrecks your peace.  You question yourself and blame yourself for not being more faithful, prayerful, attentive, and aware. Leave the past where it belongs in the past. You can do nothing about it except surrender it to My mercy. You have no control over the future for it is not promised to you or to anyone, leave the future to My providence. All you have control over is the present moment and in this present moment, I want you to be alive to and aware of My infinite love for you. I love you with an everlasting love and I love not just you, ---- my own, but I love every one of your loved ones for whom you plead incessantly before the Throne of Grace and Mercy. Be at peace, I have heard, and all is well. You are loved, you are cherished, you are mine, and all you ask for in prayer with praise and thanksgiving I will grant you. By the power of My Name I have delivered you and everyone you love because I love you and delight in you. Remain in my love.

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