Saturday, September 14, 2024

PSALM 23:1 (2024)

PSALM 23:1

The Divine Shepherd

A Psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. 

---- mine,

I AM the Good Shepherd I know My sheep and my sheep know Me. They recognize My voice and come when I call. Those sheep who have been lured from the fold, who have wandered in places where wisdom has fled and where wolves prowl seeking to devour the prey, even these do I pursue relentlessly. I will find the ones who are lost, I will pick them up, heal their wounds, feed them, quench their thirst, and carry them back home in safety. No sheep will wander to its destruction for they have been marked by My Blood and filled with My Spirit. Among My sheep are ones who are frail, weak, silly, stubborn, hard-hearted, foolish, who are persistently lured by the world, the flesh, and satan, continue to pray for these feckless, reckless, and giddy sheep. Pray with faith, with confidence, with trust, and with hope knowing that in the end, My hand will save. I AM the Good Shepherd I know My Sheep and My sheep know Me. Be not afraid. Be not afraid for it is My Father's will that I not lose a single sheep that is washed in My Blood. I WILL SAVE.

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