Tuesday, September 3, 2024

ESTHER 15:9, 11-12, 5:3 (2024)

ESTHER 15:9, 11-12, 5:3

‘What is it, Esther? I am your husband. Take courage;

Then he raised the golden sceptre and touched her neck with it; he embraced her, and said, ‘Speak to me.’

The king said to her, ‘What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given you, even to the half of my kingdom.’

---- mine,

Once again I remind you who I AM and will do so as often as you need Me to. I AM your Spouse, the Bridegroom of your soul, your Brother, your King, your Redeemer, your Savior, and your Friend. I AM your Good Shepherd and you are the sheep of My flock. I have called you by your name, I have received you from My Father's hand. You are His prized possession. ---- my own, for as often as you need Me to, I will assure you and reassure you that you have nothing to fear either for yourself or your family. You are irrevocably Mine in time and eternity. Be still and know that I AM God and all that I have said that I will do I will accomplish, As for you, be still, watch, and pray that you will be kept safe from the wiles of the Enemy. Be still and know that I who am God love you with an everlasting love, and not you alone but all those for whom you pray and plead their cause always before Me. I say it again, ---- my own, I love you with an everlasting love, you are Mine.

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